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Workshops with Nathan Keates

16 Sep 2013 13:20 #1600 von sstark

I would love to think that you have noticed that my workshops are available to tour to you, but it perhaps is less likely. In any case, I would like to find out if your group or the community in your area would benefit from an alternative perspective on improvisation.

The details of the workshop and information about me can be found on www.nathanimprov.com. The idea is to spread the international love of improvisation and therefore offer the merges, concepts and thoughts on the work we all love so much. This led to the set-up of the website to publicise myself as a hub of development. Or plainly, to say I have thoughts and wish to express them in various ways, these workshops being one. The website to check out is www.nathanimprov.com.

I am specifically looking for bookings between 2nd November till 5th November or 9th - 11th November, as I have requests to travel out in the middle of those dates. I hope one these days may be an option for your group or community.

Thank you for your time,
Nathan Keates

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